This year, in celebration of International Women's Day, we have decided to shine a spotlight on a very special member of our team, Sammy our Customer Service Manager. Despite only recently joining the team, Sammy's warm personality and her undimmable spirit, brightens every room she walks into. Whilst her shining presence makes her a valuable team member, it is her inspiring work as a Life Coach, focusing on the self love and empowerment of young women that we want to share with you.
To My Sisters - A Facilitator of Change
To My Sisters is my love letter to girls past present and future. A daily reminder of your worth, your strength and the power of unconditional love and acceptance from a sister here to listen, support, show love and guide you on your journey through the ups and downs of life.
I have been incredibly blessed with an amazing group of women I get to call my friends, these are my sisters. They have been there for me through every heart break, success, failure and some pretty huge life lessons in the last 10 years and have always loved and accepted me just as I am. Every girl should grow up with this kind of sisterhood available to them and this is what I want to provide.
I want to be a facilitator of change, to show young girls how to live their most authentic and effective life. To look at ALL of their options and make an action plan on where to go next in all aspects of their lives.
Sammy's Goal
I plan to build a community and sisterhood that not only empowers women and teaches them to love themselves first, but celebrates and understands our differences.
My goal is to run online workshops throughout the year and have a physical space to create workshops and holiday programs for young women. I want to teach young women how to be emotionally, physically and mentally strong as well as independent, so they may step into the next phase of their lives with open minds, a strong set of core values and self acceptance.
I am here to help unpack any limiting beliefs and unhelpful habits that have left young women feeling uninspired, unsupported, unworthy and stuck. My main objective as a coach, is to guide them as a sister figure and to teach these girls to be responsible for their own empowerment journey.
Future Plans
Alongside my online workshops, I want to incorporate this into afterschool and school-holiday programs and later down the track weekend retreats. My long term goal is to have a space to host creative workshops, women's panels and girl talks.
By the end of 2022 I would like to hold 'Coming of Age' Gala for the girls who have 'Graduated' from their workshops and auction some of their work to go towards their chosen Dharma/Focus from furthering their study to helping them start their own business. I am here to ensure to the best of my ability that no young girl is left questioning their self worth, who they are, what they want in life and where they can go for help.
Learn More
To learn more about Sammy's Self Love and Empowerment Program for Teenage Girls visit To My Sisters or follow her on Instagram @to_mysisters
If you have any questions about the To My Sisters program please contact Sammy at