The theme for International Women's Day 2022 is breaking the bias. Specifically, breaking free of the stereotypes and discrimination that women face, to create a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
In celebration of IWD and as a female owned and led business we decided to ask what #BreaktheBias means for the ladies of I Love Linen.
Tae, Global Marketing Director
I am proud to continually strive to #BreakTheBias that women can only be defined by traditional feminine traits. We can be both strong and gentle, strategically minded and empathetic, successful and humble.
Megan, eCommerce Marketing Coordinator
I have never considered a job or a task to be dependent on gender, so I have never limited myself to think I cannot do something simply because I am a woman. Whether it is something small like fixing something broken around the house or being the first person in my immediate family to graduate from University and pursue a higher paying career. My mindset and the support from my family is the reason I am able to break these biases everyday.
Kellie, Social Community & Content Coordinator
For me, my independence is critical in breaking the bias. I am responsible for my own safety, my own income & my own happiness. I am proud to be independent in my life and free from the bias that men should be our protectors, our providers and the source of our happiness.
Sammy, Customer Service Manager
As a Life Coach I have started an online community through Instagram called @to_mysisters to help empower young women. I can also can hip thrust 140kg which a lot of men cannot including my own personal trainer!
You can read more about To My Sisters here.
Lainey, Senior Marketing Executive
As I hit my late 20's, I experienced the harsh reality of clashing with societal norms and expectations around children, marriage and home ownership. As I've chosen to prioritise travel, career and my overall independence I've had to (and continue to) retrain my own mind that to #BreaktheBias is an absolute privilege, instead of a weakness.
Lauren, Creative Director & Founder
I've managed to raise 2 beautiful daughters while being on this wild ride as a growing business, and I think every day I break the bias of having to choose career or family as my pathway. The end result can sometimes be chaotic and messy but I'd be putting unrealistic pressure on myself if I thought I had to come with a master plan and be perfect all the time. Without feeling forced to make a choice or downplay one over the other I hope to show mums to be or mums returning to work (or to be frank any caregiver) that you can accommodate both, just assume the practice of it won't be smooth sailing and you need to build resilience and have great role models around you.
A donation from every order
We’re proud to support The Linen Shift, an organisation providing individual support and education for at-risk women in a safe, residential environment. We'll be donating $5.00 from every order placed between today and Tuesday 8th March 2021. Learn more about their inspiring vision to disrupt the cycle of women's homelessness