Natural Harry's DIY All-Purpose Cleaner & Surface Spray
Date Posted:24 July 2020

To continue our Plastic Free July tips, we have once again partnered with our friend @natural_harry
This time, we're sharing 2x DIY cleaner recipes to help reduce the plastic in your home. They're both extremely simple to make and are an easy way to minimise harsh chemicals in your home too.
All Purpose Cleaner
Makes approximately 500ml
Prep time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Very easy
- 1x clean empty glass spray bottle
- 2 teaspoons sal suds (see notes for info)
- 20 drops citrus essential oil (Harriet uses orange)
- 500ml distilled water
Combine all ingredients in your spray bottle, attach the nozel and shake well to combine.
Don't forget to label it so you know which cleaner is which.
To use: Spray over surface that needs cleaning, wipe with a warm, rinsed cloth. Leave or follow with surface spray.
Sal Suds is a very concentrated natural all purpose surface cleaner made with plant-based surfactants and natural fir needle and spruce essential oils. You can find it online, or in your local bulk wholefoods store. A small amount goes a very long way.
Surface Spray and Wipe
Makes approximately 500ml
Prep time: 2 minutes
Difficulty: Very easy
- 1x clean empty glass spray bottle
- 250ml white vinegar
- 250ml distilled water
- 1 lemon, juiced and strained
- 20-40 drops essential oil of choice
(Harriet's favourites are tea tree, rosemary, lemon, orange, peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus)
Combine all ingredients in your spray bottle, attach the nozel and shake well to combine.
To use: Spray over surface that needs cleaning, wipe with a warm, rinsed cloth.
Vinegar is not very suitable for wood, natural stone or tile grout. Omit the vinegar for these surfacces for more distilled water or perhaps add a little rubbing alcohol.
For more of these easy DIY recipes and zero waste home tips, follow @natural_harry here and check out her website here. Keep your eyes peeled for her latest book coming in November 2020!